Survey of quasi-judicial decision-makers in NSW and the national registration scheme for health practitioners

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Law and Medicine, 2018, 25 (2), pp. 357 - 379
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© 2018 Thomson Head Office. This study is part of a larger, Australian Research Council-funded project studying comparative analyses of complaints and notification handling between the NSW system and National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (2010). This article explores the assessments and decisions made by Tribunal and other quasi-judicial decision-makers involved in the two schemes, including the key decision-management stages during a disciplinary process. Respondents recruited from both systems completed an online questionnaire comprising a series of closed and open-ended questions to case vignettes. While we found no significant difference between jurisdictions in relation to their decision-making processes in this case, the article provides insights into the rationales for their decisions and the outcomes or "sanctions" selected by decision-makers as being appropriate to the circumstances presented.
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