High-Voltage Gain Quasi-SEPIC DC-DC Converter

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019, 7 (2), pp. 1243 - 1257
Issue Date:
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© 2013 IEEE. This paper proposes a modified coupled-inductor SEPIC dc-dc converter for high-voltage-gain (2< G< 10) applications. It utilizes the same components as the conventional SEPIC converter with an additional diode. The voltage stress on the switch is minimal, which helps the designer to select a low-voltage and low R{mathrm {DS}-mathrm{scriptscriptstyle ON}} MOSFET, resulting in a reduction of cost, conduction, and turn ON losses of the switch. Compared to equivalent topologies with similar voltage-gain expression, the proposed topology uses lower component count to achieve the same or even higher voltage gain. This helps to design a very compact and lightweight converter with higher power density and reliability. Operating performance, steady-state analysis and mathematical derivations of the proposed dc-dc converter have been demonstrated in this paper. Moreover, extension of the circuit for higher gain (G>10) application is also introduced and discussed. Finally, the main features of the proposed converter have been verified through simulation and experimental results of a 400-W laboratory prototype. The efficiency is almost flat over a wide range of load with the highest measured efficiency of 96.2%, and the full-load efficiency is 95.2% at a voltage gain of 10.
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