Priority Access and General Authorized Access Interference Mitigation in the Spectrum Access System

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67 (6), pp. 4969 - 4983
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© 1967-2012 IEEE. To meet the capacity needs of next generation wireless communications, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission has recently introduced the spectrum access system. Spectrum is shared between three tiers - incumbents, priority access licensees (PAL), and general authorized access (GAA) licensees. When the incumbents are absent, PAL and GAA share the spectrum under the constraint that GAA ensure the interference to PAL is no more than $-$40 dBm with at least 99% confidence. We consider the scenario where locations are not shared between PAL and GAA. We propose a PAL-GAA cochannel interference mitigation technique that does not expose base station locations. Our approach relies on GAA sharing the distribution and maximum number of transmitters in a finite area. We show how PAL can derive the distribution of the aggregate interference using the probability density function and characteristic function, and notify GAA about the exclusion zones in space that will guarantee that the interference requirement is met. We also propose a numerical approximation using inverse fast Fourier and discrete Fourier transforms. Analytically calculated distribution aligns well with the numerical results. Additionally, we formulate an optimization problem for the optimal exclusion zone size. We analytically prove convexity of the problem. Our approach reduces the exclusion zone size by over 42%, which gives significantly more spectral opportunities to GAA in the spatial domain.
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