Generalized C<inf>F<inf>1</inf>F<inf>2</inf></inf>-integrals: From Choquet-like aggregation to ordered directionally monotone functions

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2020, 378 pp. 44 - 67
Issue Date:
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© 2019 Elsevier B.V. This paper introduces the theoretical framework for a generalization of CF1F2-integrals, a family of Choquet-like integrals used successfully in the aggregation process of the fuzzy reasoning mechanisms of fuzzy rule based classification systems. The proposed generalization, called by gCF1F2-integrals, is based on the so-called pseudo pre-aggregation function pairs (F1,F2), which are pairs of fusion functions satisfying a minimal set of requirements in order to guarantee that the gCF1F2-integrals to be either an aggregation function or just an ordered directionally increasing function satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions. We propose a dimension reduction of the input space, in order to deal with repeated elements in the input, avoiding ambiguities in the definition of gCF1F2-integrals. We study several properties of gCF1F2-integrals, considering different constraints for the functions F1 and F2, and state under which conditions gCF1F2-integrals present or not averaging behaviors. Several examples of gCF1F2-integrals are presented, considering different pseudo pre-aggregation function pairs, defined on, e.g., t-norms, overlap functions, copulas that are neither t-norms nor overlap functions and other functions that are not even pre-aggregation functions.
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