Sensitivity-Based Parameter Calibration and Model Validation under Model Error

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140 (1)
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© 2018 by ASME. In calibrating model parameters, it is important to include the model discrepancy term in order to capture missing physics in simulation, which can result from numerical, measurement, and modeling errors. Ignoring the discrepancy may lead to biased calibration parameters and predictions, even with an increasing number of observations. In this paper, a simple yet efficient calibration method is proposed based on sensitivity information when the simulation model has a model error and/or numerical error but only a small number of observations are available. The sensitivity-based calibration method captures the trend of observation data by matching the slope of simulation predictions and observations at different designs and then utilizing a constant value to compensate for the model discrepancy. The sensitivity-based calibration is compared with the conventional least squares calibration method and Bayesian calibration method in terms of parameter estimation and model prediction accuracies. A cantilever beam example, as well as a honeycomb tube crush example, is used to illustrate the calibration process of these three methods. It turned out that the sensitivity-based method has a similar performance with the Bayesian calibration method and performs much better than the conventional method in parameter estimation and prediction accuracy.
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