Wideband CP Polarization and Pattern Reconfigurable Antennas

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2018, 2018
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© 2018 IEEE. This paper gives an review of innovative wideband CP polarization and pattern reconfigurable antennas. First, two wideband CP reconfigurable antennas with the broadside radiation patterns are presented. One design was realized by four sequentially-rotated monopoles with an output reconfigurable feed network. Another design adopted L-probes fed square patch that reduced the profile to 0.1 λ0. Second, rather than producing the broadside radiation pattern, a wideband CP reconfigurable wheel-shaped antenna with the conical-beam pattern is introduced, which is intended for geostationary satellite applications. Third, in addition to the polarization reconfigurability, a wideband CP antenna with switchable broadside and conical-beam patterns is presented, which excites both TMn and TM-21 modes on an annular slotted circular patch radiator. All the above CP polarization and pattern reconfigurable antennas are attractive for the emerging wireless communication systems, especially the satellite communication systems.
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