Dynamical rewiring in adaptive weighted heterogeneous networks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33 (9)
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© 2019 World Scientific Publishing Company. When virus spreads in a network, individuals may adaptively change their contact relationships to reduce risk of infection. In order to describe the interaction between a time varying network topology and the dynamics of the nodes, here we propose a susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model on a weighted adaptive heterogeneous network where the dynamics of and on the networks are described. Rewiring strategies are designed to inhibit the epidemic spreading. Our results show that network topology and individual behaviors have significant influence on virus spreading in a weighted adaptive heterogeneous network. The adaptive rewiring process during the dynamics can effectively inhibit virus spreading. Large dispersion of weights can significantly decrease the final epidemic size. Moreover, our proposed rewiring strategies based on the individual spontaneous behaviors are effective for the inhibition of epidemics.
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