In-Kind: Creating a Non-Cash Arts Assets Platform

City of Sydney
Publication Type:
2016, pp. 1 - 30 (30)
Issue Date:
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People in the arts community are overstretched. The core idea behind this platform is to making connecting and creating easier. We are not suggesting that artists work harder, or make/present/perform more. The measure of this platform’s success is not whether more “work” is made by the artists, but whether we feel connected, enjoy closer, long-standing connections to our community and peers through sharing skills and collectively consuming less. When asking artists the limited pool of participants “what are your non-cash obstacles to living and creating in Sydney?” we are looking to connect people to people. We want the platform to assist with overcoming daily and weekly obstacles to reaching out to their community through the sharing of non-cash assets. With this in mind, perhaps another measure of success here is that artists will have more time to experiment with creating with a different, more expanded and supported sense of time, outside of the standard outcome-driven funding models.
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