Review: Out of Hand: Materializing the Digital, Museum of Applied Art and Sciences, Sydney, 3 September 2016–25 June 2017

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Craft Research, 2018, Volume 9 (1), pp. 149 - 156 (9)
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Out of Hand: Materializing the Digital surveyed over 90 objects and artworks by more than 60 artists, designers, scientists and architects utilizing digital manufacturing. The exhibition investigated potential future possibilities of how data can be manipulated creatively within a diversity of fields including biomedical engineering, visual arts and fashion design. The exhibition opened on the 3 September 2016 at the Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) during the annual Sydney Design Festival. Out of Hand: Materializing the Digital is a new iteration of the successful 2013 New York Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) exhibition, Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital which was curated by Ron Labaco. Principal Curator Matthew Connell implies that the choice for changing the title to ‘digital’ rather than keep it as ‘postdigital’ was to ‘[…] recognize a break with the analogue world, its origins in technologies of calculation, then media and communications’ (MAAS 2016a: 26).
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