Bless This Yes/Hear This No

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Textile Design
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The cushion designs were created by Natalya Hughes in collaboration with Respect.Now.Always. at UTS as an extension of the 2018 Artist-in-Residence project, Safe Sopor. The cushions address the often non-explicit forms of consent given in relationships through clear statements in the affirmative and negative. They incorporate subtle clues within the design, such as emojis and velvet, synonymous with sexual communication and intimacy. "Bless This Yes/ Hear This No was motivated by a desire to foreground the voice of an individual whose consent is being sought or ignored. While education around the importance of consent often reads as a message to, I wanted my design to work as a message from. My practice is often concerned with how, culturally, we devalue the contributions of women. We also are inclined to undermine their voices. In Bless This Yes/ Hear This No I’ve made an object of décor – associated as it is with femininity, domesticity and the everyday – that speaks loudly and with certainty. A yes should be met with gratitude and joy. A no should be respected and honoured with appropriate action" – Natalya Hughes.
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