Detecting the presence of chloride in hardened mortar using microwave non-destructive testing

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet - Proceedings of the 2017 fib Symposium, 2017, pp. 83 - 90
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© Springer International Publishing AG 2018. Concrete durability is to a large extent governed by the concrete resistance to the penetration of aggressive substances. One such aggressive substances, present predominantly in marine or coastal environments, is the chloride ion. Chloride in presence of water and oxygen cause corrosion and the measurement of chloride content is an important factor in the detection of early corrosion damage induced by chloride attack. However, there is currently a lack of a reliable nondestructive method to examine the chloride content of the structure in practice. This paper presents the results of an experimental study to investigate the viability of Microwave Non-Destructive Testing (MNDT) to monitor the ingress of the chloride into the concrete. The variations in the electromagnetic properties of mortar specimens with variations in their chloride contents are measured to identify correlations between chloride content and two main electromagnetic properties of mortar; viz. dielectric constant and loss factor. EMPs are measured through two-port measurement performed using a vector network analyzer and S-band rectangular waveguide. The existence of correlations between chloride content of mortar and its electromagnetic properties is confirmed by the preliminary results, highlighting the potential for development of an MNDT technique to monitor the chloride content of concrete in practice.
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