Novel integrated ground anchor technology for the seismic protection of isolated segmented cantilever bridges

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 125
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© 2019 Elsevier Ltd An external restraining system which is anchoring the bridge superstructure to the embankment backfill is proposed in this study for the seismic protection of isolated bridges. The restraining system is employed to reduce the seismic demands of the bridge deck by utilising the otherwise inactive ground behind the abutment back-walls. The system can be described as fastening the bridge end-diaphragms to the rocky strata that lie beneath the abutment backfill. The anchoring is achieved through a series of steel strands grouted to the rock to achieve a strong anchoring capacity. Indeed, the proposed anchor is flexible enough to allow the thermal, creep and shrinkage serviceability movements of the deck. A parametric study conducted in this paper shows that the ground anchor external restraining system is truly effective in reducing the seismic demands of the bridge deck.
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