Real-Time Drone Surveillance and Population Estimation of Marine Animals from Aerial Imagery

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2019, 2018-November
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© 2018 IEEE. Video analysis is being rapidly adopted by marine biologists to asses the population and migration of marine animals. Manual analysis of videos by human observers is labor intensive and prone to error. The automatic analysis of videos using state-of-the-art deep learning object detectors provides a cost-effective way for the study of marine animals population and their ecosystem. However, there are many challenges associated with video analysis such as background clutter, illumination, occlusions, and deformation. Due to the high-density of objects in the images and sever occlusion, current state-of-the-art object often results in multiple detections. Therefore, customized Non-Maxima-Suppression is proposed after the detections to suppress false positives which significantly improves the counting and mean average precision of the detections. An end-to-end deep learning framework of Faster-RCNN [1] was adopted for detections with base architectures of VGG16 [2], VGGM [3] and ZF [4].
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