Analytical study of the drying shrinkage in light-weight concrete containing EPS beads

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Advances in Cement Research, 2019, 31 (7), pp. 308 - 318
Issue Date:
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© 2018 ICE Publishing: All rights reserved. This study investigates the drying shrinkage of light-weight concrete containing expanded polystyrene beads. Nine shrinkage specimens in three groups were subjected to three different conditions of drying and wetting periods for 450 d. The effect of the weight loss of specimens on the shrinkage is studied. A proposed new relationship to predict the shrinkage behaviour of the specimens is verified by the existing models. A bilinear relationship between the rate of weight loss and shrinkage increment is also developed. Results show that a longer curing period strongly affects the shrinkage behaviour over the first few months. The rate of weight loss, rate of shrinkage with time and the ratio of the rate of weight loss to the initial weight of specimens are also investigated.
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