Nonlinear analysis of 3D reinforced concrete frames: effect of section torsion on the global response

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010, 36 (4), pp. 421 - 445
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In this paper the fonnulation of an efficient frame element applicable for nonlinear analysis of 3D reinforced concrete (RC) frames is outlined. Interaction between axial force and bending moment is considered by using the' fibre element approach. Further, section warping, effect of nonnal and tangential forces on the torsional stiffness of section and second order geometrical nonlinearities are included in the model. The developed computer code is employed for nonlinear static analysis of RC sub-assemblages and a simple approach for extending the fonnulation to dynamic cases is presented. Dynamic progressive collapse assessment of RC space frames based on the alternate path method is undertaken and dynamic load factor (DLF) is estimated. Further, it is concluded that the torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete elements satisfying minimum standard requirements is not significant for the framed slmctures studied.
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