A New Distance for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Based on Similarity Matrix

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Access, 2019, 7 pp. 70436 - 70446
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© 2013 IEEE. Measuring the distance between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) is an open issue. Many types of distances for the IFSs have been proposed in previous studies. Some existing methods cannot satisfy the axioms of similarity or provide counterintuitive cases. Others ignore the relationship between three parameters characterizing the information carried by the IFS. To address these issues, a new distance is proposed by analyzing the similarity among the three parameters of the IFS. The comparison with some existing distances illustrates that the new distance has a higher sensitivity and can effectively measure the similarity between the IFSs. The results of the application of pattern recognition are also shown that the proposed method has better recognition ability.
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