Supporting ageing well research: Findings from a research priority setting exercise

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australasian Journal on Ageing, 2019, 38 (2), pp. 136 - 143
Issue Date:
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© 2019 AJA Inc. Objective: This paper describes a workshop process conducted to guide funding priorities for the Ageing Well National Science Challenge in New Zealand (NZ). Methods: Based on the Checklist for Health Research Priority Setting, stakeholders networking workshops were conducted in five main cities in NZ (n = 133 attendees). Each workshop involved an introductory presentation; small group work exploring the a priori areas of: mind health, social well-being, health services and age-friendly environments; capturing key ideas on flip charts; feedback; and discussion of documented content. Results: Suggested strategies to address these issues incorporated reduction in segregated “villages,” delivery of integrated care and provision of age-friendly transport. Proposed examples of monitoring impact included increased tertiary participation by older people and presence of more housing options. Conclusion: Actively engaging older adults and community stakeholders in setting research priorities provided a unique opportunity to understand the key areas older adults think important for future research.
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