Exploring the properties of pyrogenic carbon with solid state <sup>13</sup>C nuclear magnetic resonant spectroscopy: A combustion wind tunnel study

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019, 2019
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© Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019.All right reserved. Increasing the production of aryl carbon from wildland fire may be beneficial since it can be stored in soils for long periods of time rather than being emitted to the atmosphere or stored in soils in a less recalcitrant form. In this study, solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonant spectroscopy is used to explore the properties of pyrogenic carbon produced by fires burning with different fire spread modes. Forest litter fuels were burnt using in a combustion wind tunnel using a replicated experimental design. Experiments were performed with three different fire spread modes, involving heading fires that spread with the wind, backing fires that spread against the wind and flanking fires that spread perpendicular to the wind. Results show that heading fires produce significantly more aryl carbon than flanking fires. Analysis of the results with principal component analysis show that maximising the residence time of high temperature combustion and the combustion factor could be an effective method for increasing the production of aryl carbon from fire.
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