The Role of Information Experience on IT Professionals' Twitter Use

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Libri, 2020, 70 (1), pp. 1 - 15
Issue Date:
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© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2020. Twitter acts as an information gateway as it provides a place where professionals network and share their knowledge. Twitter has increasingly influenced the way people use and share information. However, limited research demonstrates IT professionals' information experience on Twitter impacts the way they use it for professional purposes. The study aimed to understand how such information experiences impact on the way IT professionals use Twitter for professional purposes. Eleven IT professionals were recruited for this study to understand the participants' information experience through their own individual perspective, with the data analysed using constructive grounded theory. This study revealed that IT professionals' information experience plays a vital role in creating professional networking and knowledge sharing in online spaces. These lived experiences influence the way IT professionals use Twitter for professional purposes. Thus, the findings of this study contribute to theoretical perspectives in the understanding of information experience perspectives within Twitter, along with a foundational understanding of the ways in which microblogging is used for professional purposes. The findings can help organisations understand and provide for this emerging channel of professional information sharing for its staff and stakeholders.
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