The Joy of Counterintuitivity

CRC Press
Publication Type:
Sustainable Coastal Design and Planning, 2018, pp. 73 - 92
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The Dutch have a long tradition of coastal engineering and management. The designs made for closure dams and dikes and land reclamation were functional, engineering wonders. With the changes in climate and the increasing attention for ecological systems approaches, the attitude toward coastal design is changing. The engineered plan is no longer seen as the ultimate goal; the new paradigm is how the power of natural processes could help to create a stronger coast. In this chapter, the role of complex systems is further elaborated to understand the contribution these systems may deliver to further enhance coastal resilience. The focus is on designing the intervention, rather than controlling the entire plan, and trusting that the powers of nature will take the landscape to a more resilient level. Before this approach is presented, a brief overview of Dutch coastal design, planning, and policy is given, after which the paradigm shift from an engineering approach to a more organic worldview is described. This chapter concludes by introducing Swarm Planning, a methodology to design more adaptive landscapes.
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