The Queer Temporalities of Queerbaiting

Fandom & Culture
Publication Type:
Queerbaiting and Fandom: Teasing Fans Through Homoerotic Possibilities, 2019, pp. 57-59
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With an increasing number of queer characters on mainstream television and a heightened level of interaction between producers and fans within convergence culture, the interpretive strategies utilized by fans to navigate and identify instances of queerbaiting have become more complex.1 As fans appropriate queer readings of texts, they also draw on varied paratextual sources such as studio marketing and their past experiences as viewers. It is through this intertextuality that I locate a sense of movement between not only texts and sources but also histories. Within these movements, it is interesting to reflect on the queer temporalities of fan experience—how the fans’ interpretive strategies speak to the dislocation and warping of time. I find that, while negotiating queer readings and producer motivations in increasingly complex ways, the fans perform temporal crossings between past, present, and future.
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