Gambling drivers: Regulating cultural technologies, subjects, spaces and practices of mobility

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Mobilities, 2010, 5 (3), pp. 409 - 430
Issue Date:
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In this article, we analyse intersections between gambling and driving as everyday cultural practices of mobility. Building on Nikolas Rose's argument that subjects in post-industrial democratic societies are governed through appeals to 'freedom' rather than through overt forms of coercion or organised campaigns of state propaganda, we explore the different ways that producers, regulators and consumer advocates involved in gambling and driving appeal to our 'powers of freedom'. We demonstrate that promotional and regulatory discourses of driving and gambling rely on a concept of freedom as self-regulation. And we argue that the cultivation of social responsiveness is needed to address some of the problems created by individualising practices, spaces and technologies of mobility currently offered by automobiles and poker machines. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
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