Life-event modelling framework for e-government integration

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Electronic Government, 2010, 7 (2), pp. 183 - 202
Issue Date:
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Ability to offer a citizen-centric view of government model is the key to a successful e-government service. Life-event model is the most widely adopted paradigm supporting the idea of composing a single complex e-government service that corresponds to an event in a citizen's life. Elementary building blocks of Life-event are based on atomic services offered from multiple government agencies. This study found that methodological mechanics of service integration and in particular the requirements engineering for composite services has been overlooked. Purpose of this study is to define obstacles of achieving e-government service delivery integration, and suggests a framework based on ontological analysis and modelling. Proposed framework that shall be called E-Service Integration Modelling (E-SIM) is based on the extensive use of Life-event concept. This paper proposes a top-down abstraction approach in requirements elicitation and modelling to define and implement the phenomenon of Life-event in context of e-government. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
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