Formulation and characterization of glibenclamide and quercetin-loaded chitosan nanogels targeting skin permeation.

Future Science
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Therapeutic Delivery, 2019, 10, (5), pp. 281-293
Issue Date:
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Aim: Our aim was to develop and characterize a nanogel formulation containing both glibenclamide and quercetin and to explore the permeation profile of this combination. Methods: Drug-loaded nanogel was prepared by ionic gelation. In addition, optimum encapsulation efficiencies of glibenclamide and quercetin were also obtained. The average nanoparticle size at optimum conditions was determined by Zetasizer. Results: The particle size of the nanogel was found to be 370.4 ± 4.78 nm with a polydispersity index of 0.528 ± 0.04, while the λ potential was positive in a range of 17.6 to 24.8 mV. The percentage cumulative drug release also showed favorable findings. Conclusion: The chitosan nanogel could be a potential alternative for delivering glibenclamide and quercetin through skin.
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