Carbonation of concrete using ferronickel slag as fine aggregate

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
FIB 2018 - Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congress: Better, Smarter, Stronger, 2019, pp. 2716-2722
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© 2019 by the fib. All rights reserved. This paper aims to investigate the carbonation resistance of concrete using ferronickel slag (FNS) as fine aggregate replacement. FNS fine aggregate substituted 50% by mass of natural aggregate and fly ash replaced 25% by mass of cement to produce the low carbon concrete. Mechanical and durability properties of FNS concrete were investigated and an environmental chamber was utilized to accelerate carbonation with 1% CO2. Concrete pH profile and phenolphthalein indicator test were conducted to evaluate the carbonation depth of concrete. Overall, the replacement of 50% fine aggregate by FNS increased the mechanical and durability properties of concrete. Moreover, the utilization of FNS aggregate can offset the detrimental effect of fly ash on concrete resistance against carbonation. The FNS concrete outperformed in comparison with plain concrete at all exposure time. This outcome presents the possibility of FNS as a low carbon concrete in exposure condition where carbonation corrosion can be an issue.
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