A Chinese in the New World: Television Dramas, Global Cities, and Travels to Modernity

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2001, 2 (1), pp. 81 - 94
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In Pursuit of Melbourne (Zuei Zhu Mo Er Ben) is a multiple-episode television drama produced jointly by China Central Television (CCTV) and Xiamen Television in southern China. When it was shown nationally early in 1999, it was watched with intense interest by my parents, my brother and my sister-in-law living in Anhui Province. Anticipating my visit from Australia later that year, they had taped the show in case I was interested. On arriving home, I was initially reluctant to embark on a viewing marathon, considering I had only one week in China. However, once I started, I realized I could not really stop. I spent most of that week sitting in front of the television set with my family, obsessively watching a local production about the life of a group of Chinese now living in Australia.
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