Touching film: the practice politics of viewing and

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Senses and Society, 2009, 4 (2), pp. 163 - 178
Issue Date:
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This article analyses the experiences of film-viewing and making by reference to the sense of. For viewers the tactility of film is in the film's deployment of sound in the ways it challenges the viewer's sense; that is, sense of in space. Both, it is argued, are to incorporate the viewer into the 's narrative and its politics, as classical film is often said to "suture" the into both the narrative and politics the text. In contrast, the article also the work of a filmmaker, Stefan, who specifically works against "suturing" effect, in order to enhance viewer's own agency in generating in a film. Popescu follows avant-garde filmmaker Stan Brakhage in physically his films-touching them in a variety ways (scratching, cutting, burning the film stock) in order to disrupt realist viewing practice and its politics. © BERG 2009.
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