Design guide for refuge accommodation for women and children

University of Technology Sydney
Publication Type:
UTS Shopfront Community Research Fellowship report, 2020, 1, 1, (1), pp. 1-60
Issue Date:
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The purpose of this report is to assist those working towards improving refuge accommodation for vulnerable women and children escaping violence in the home. It provides a foundation for developing fit-for-purpose accommodation and aims to: • establish an understanding of the needs of refuge residents, workers and managers to assist those who seek to improve existing or provide new accommodation • outline how this type of accommodation will positively contribute to urban/regional streetscape and communities. • provide practical design and construction ideas for future pilot studies and tailored design projects that address the issues faced by women and children leaving domestic and family violence • assist funding bodies, supervisory boards and interdisciplinary services requiring more specific briefs for fit-for-purpose facilities • inform councils and other consent authorities assessing new refuge facility proposals and building upgrades • provide recommendations to improve design outcomes for refuge services in the longer term • potentially support women leaving crisis accommodation to move into permanent housing. This report includes research findings on the potential of tailored design projects to address issues faced by women and children leaving domestic and family violence. The outcomes from the UTS Urban Refuge Forum, which included representatives of refuge providers and construction experts, have also been included. Currently, no specific guide like this exists for Australian conditions.
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