Detection of Fatigue Crack Initiation at Welded Joints of Railway Steel Truss Bridges under the Dynamic Action of Moving Trains

Civil-Comp Press
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 2010, pp. 1 - 13
Issue Date:
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Steel trusses are commonly used in the construction of railway bridge structures. Joints of the bridge steel trusses are welded in many cases. It is known that the welds of some major joints of the steel truss railway bridges are prone to fatigue cracks due to long term dynamic actions of moving trains. If these cracks are not timely repaired, they will endanger the safety of bridges. For the timely repair of the fatigue cracks, it is important to detect the initiation of the fatigue cracks accurately. This paper presents a computational method together with a critical damage plane method for detecting fatigue crack initiations at the welded joints of railway steel truss bridges produced by the dynamic actions of moving trains, and establishes a multi-scale method for analyzing the stresses produced by the dynamic loads of moving trains by accounting for welding residual stresses in the welded joints. The proposed method is applied to the fatigue crack detection for the Poyang Lake railway steel truss bridge.
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