
Publication Type:
image ecologies
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Curatorial Rationale: New Media artwork has moved beyond the recorded mediums of photography and film to encompass interactive, augmented, and generative works due to the appropriation of and reliance on digitization by its practitioners. These emergent and evolving art forms exist, in the words of Ron Burnett, as image ecologies. This terminology references the exploratory way in which the average person navigates digital imagery in contemporary society. This exhibition will explore the collaborative way New Media Research initiatives within UTS are themselves example of creative ecologies. By providing environments, tools, and instruction, these environments are instilling in their inhabitants (both students and collaborators) the ability to evolve alongside current technology in regard to new media art creation. This exhibition will showcase the production outputs of three leading UTS laboratories and studios: 1) the Creativity and Cognition Studios (FEIT); 2) the Centre for Media Arts Innovation (HSS); and 3) the Visual Communication course for School of Design (DAB). Invited Artists: Ernest Edmonds, Brigid Costello, Maria Miranda & Norie Neumark, Sarah Gibson, Ian Gwilt, Eamon Davern
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