A Dynamic Magnetostriction Model of Grain-Oriented Sheet Steels Based on Becker-Döring Crystal Magnetization Model and Jiles-Atherton Theory of Magnetic Hysteresis

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Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2020, 56, (3)
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© 1965-2012 IEEE. Grain-oriented (GO) sheet steels are widely used as the core material in large power transformers. The strong magnetostriction in GO sheet steels, however, causes undesirable vibrations and acoustic noises, and is difficult to estimate in the design optimization of power transformers. This article proposes a new magnetostriction model of GO sheet steels by combining the Becker-Döring crystal model and the dynamic Jiles-Atherton hysteresis model. Incorporated in the finite-element analysis (FEA), the new model can correctly simulate the butterfly loops of magnetostriction in GO sheet steels. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed model are verified by the experimental measurement results on a single sheet sample in a free state with no external stress.
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