Body language in Face-to-Face Teaching: A Focus on Textual and Interpersonal Meaning

Continuum International Publishing Group
Publication Type:
Semiotic margins: Meaning in multimodalities, 2011, 1, pp. 31 - 52
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The rapid expansion of computer-llH.:diated interaction in pedagogic COli texts has focused much critical attentioIl on the modalities or ('-I<';lcliillg and e-learning, suggesting an array of 'new' modes of inter acti 011. AI. the .sallie time, however, there has also been much renewed interest ill the Ilillililllodaiity of \vhat is sometimes disillissivcly referred to as the 'traditiollal' face-to-I"are classroom. Face-to-taCt~ classrooms arc 110\,·/ recognized as most l"olllpkx pcd~ agogic sites involving simultaneolls engagements with at k,lst the Illodalities or speech, written texts, visuals, space and bod-y language, including beial expression and gaze (Kress et a1. 2001, Jcwitt 2008, Bourne ~OO:~, LUlld ~007). The analyses in this chapter focus in particular on the modalities or speech and body language.
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