'Vaster than Empire(s), and more slow: the politics and economics of embodiment in Doctor Who

MIT Press
Publication Type:
Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives, 2009, 1, pp. 343 - 356
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The Woscape is vast, with the Doctor and his companions traversing time and space for over four decades. This makes Doctor Wlto, which first aired in 1963, the longest_running science ficLion series in television history. One referent for this chapter is thus the actual histor_ ical extent of Doctor Who, andin particular the way in which specific eras of production_always seeking new audiences-locate themselves in history and.orrirt. O* concern here is two recent series of Doctor tWho }OOS and 2006), and how they speak from within the social and political context of our time.
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