Reduced-Sidelobe Multibeam Array Antenna Based on SIW Rotman Lens

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020, 19, (1), pp. 188-192
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© 2002-2011 IEEE. A multibeam array antenna (MAA) fed by a Rotman lens with a reduced sidelobe level (SLL) is designed using a substrate integrate waveguide (SIW) technology. The designed MAA is composed of a Rotman lens and a 12 × 8 slot array, which functions as the beamforming network and the radiation part, respectively. To reduce the SLL in E-plane, dual-port excitations (DPEs) are applied, instead of single-port excitations (SPEs), at each feeding port of the Rotman lens. By using DPEs, a more tapered amplitude distribution can be obtained on the array elements as compared to using SPEs; therefore, the SLL is reduced from about -11 to -18 dB. The SLL in H-plane is controlled by introducing a Chebyshev distribution to the designed eight-element slot array. Based on the designed MAA, a fabricated prototype is measured to test the discrepancy between simulation and experiment.
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