“Señora, diak!”: Co-constructed identity of a foreigner in Timor-Leste

Nova Southeastern University
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Qualitative Report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research since 1990, 2020, 25, (9), pp. 3312-3321
Issue Date:
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Copyright 2020: Marie Quinn and Nova Southeastern University. This article takes place in not one taxi, but all the taxis I have caught in Timor-Leste, encapsulating first encounter conversations I have had across the country, where my “otherness” as a Señora, an Australian who towers over the local population is contrasted to my knowledge of the country. I take a reflexive approach to explore how my identity as a work colleague and researcher has been constructed by many factors. Such encounters as I typify here challenge me to consider who I am and what is expected of me as a sensitive and ethical adviser and researcher.
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