Becoming a resilient organisation: integrating people and practice in infrastructure services

Taylor and Francis
Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2020, 13, (6), pp. 423-440
Issue Date:
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© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. A systemic and integral approach to ‘organisational resilience’ is important if infrastructure providers are going to advance business strategies which contribute to the sustainable development of their regions. What is required is an understanding of resilience which links the development of people as learning agents with sustainable professional practices at all levels of an organisation, including its external partners, its customers and its community. This can then drive business transformation which empowers both a sustainability and a commercial value creation logic. This paper contributes to type resilience discussion by exploring the conceptual space between the notion of learning for resilient agency and the technical resilience required for sustainability in infrastructure services. We do this through a case-study of a water utility in New South Wales, Australia, which has constructed an integral model of resilience as a ‘working theory of change’. Particular attention is paid to the interface between the human systems and the technical systems as a critical ‘missing link’ in the resilience discourse.
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