The forgotten effects: An application in the social economy of companies of the Balearic Islands

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 2018, 52, (3), pp. 147-160
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© 2018, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. All rights reserved. Few studies have analyzed how to improve the results and productivity of companies with very peculiar characteristics, such as social economy entities. This paper determines the principal worth-creating activities for this type of companies that dedicate their activities to the service sector of the Balearic Islands. In order to carry out this work, incidence matrixes and recovery of forgotten effects have been used. Both direct cause and second generation causes that arise in the majority of the socio-economic cases have been identified. In fact, determining the second generation effects, or forgotten effects, is one of the main contributions of this study as it shows that those causes that are usually not foreseen, at least in the first instance, affect notably in the generation of social economy companies value to the service sector of the Balearic Islands.
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