Backscatter-assisted hybrid relaying strategy for wireless powered IoT communications

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2019 - Proceedings, 2020, 00, pp. 1-6
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© 2019 IEEE. In this work, we consider multiple energy harvesting relays to assist information transmission from a hybrid access point (HAP) to a distant receiver. The multi-antenna HAP also beamforms RF power to the relays by using a power-splitting protocol. We aim to maximize the throughput by jointly optimizing the HAP's beamforming strategy as well as individual relays' energy harvesting and collaborative beamforming strategies. With dense user devices, the throughput maximization takes account of the direct links from the HAP to the receiver as they are short and contribute considerably to the overall throughput. Moreover, we introduce the concept of hybrid relaying communications which allows the energy harvesting relays to switch between two radio modes. In particular, the relays can operate either in RF communications or backscatter communications, depending on their channel conditions and energy status. This results in a non-convex and combinatorial throughput maximization problem. With the fixed relay mode, we can find a feasible lower performance bound via convex approximation, which further motivates our algorithm design to update the relay mode in an iterative manner. Simulation results verify that the proposed hybrid relaying strategy can achieve significant performance improvement compared to the conventional relaying strategy with all relays operating in the RF communications mode.
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