Protected Resource Allocation in Space Division Multiplexing-Elastic Optical Networks with Fluctuating Traffic

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021, 174
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In this paper, we introduce a Protected Routing, Modulation, Spectrum, and Core Allocation (RMSCA) algorithms with fluctuating traffic in Space Division Multiplexing-Elastic Optical Networks (SDM-EONs). This RMSCA algorithm is called Traffic Awareness Cross-talk Interference Avoidance (TACIA-RMSCA). We investigate the efficiency of efficient allocation of spectrum resources to minimize the impact of crosstalk (XT), and blocking probability. We first assess the impact inter-core crosstalk in Multi-Core Fiber (MCF) with the peak load of the fluctuating traffic. This is usually caused by signal leaks generated by the adjacent cores. It can occur whenever the transmitted optical signals overlap their spectrum segments. We design the Triangular Iterative Core Assignment (TICA) strategy to overcome XT, and to minimize the blocking probability. We evaluate the performance of TACIA-RMSCA with the benchmark algorithm (GAK-RMSCA). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve promising performance with the peak load of the fluctuating traffic.
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