STEM education: A bibliometric overview

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Modelling and Simulation in Management Sciences, 2020, 894, pp. 193-205
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
In the recent years, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education has received increasing attention, and many calls for a fundamental change in this field have emerged. In this context, the analysis of the evolution and development of this scientific domain results crucial. In order to do so, the present study presents a bibliometric overview of the academic research developed in STEM education over the last years. The work uses the Web of Science database and a wide range of bibliometric indicators including the number of publications and citations, the h-index, and citation thresholds. The article also develops a graphical visualisation of the bibliographic data using the visualisation of similarities (VOS) viewer software. Results indicate that the amount of works addressing this topic has substantially increased in the recent years, although the number of citations has not experienced a similar growth rate. Also, when analysing journals and research areas, it can be deduced that the research on STEM education is diverse. The bibliometric analysis performed provides a rigorous and comprehensive view of research on STEM education that might be useful for those researchers interested in advancing future knowledge in this area.
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