Using Additive Manufacturing to Package and Chirp Fibre Bragg gratings

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020 - Proceedings, 2020, 00, pp. 1-2
Issue Date:
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Additive manufacture (AM) offers a simple route to packaging components such as fibre Bragg gratings. Further, polymers with higher solid state densities than liquid state enable a simple approach to tightly fixing optical components with AM packages. With applied load and using printer directionality, chirping fibre Bragg gratings becomes possible. Information about both induced and applied stresses, and operator error, can be determined from the observed spectral shifts and chirping. Broadband gratings with bandwidths, \Delta \lambda_{BW} \gt7 nm/cm, are demonstrated.
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