Discovery of stable and significant binding motif pairs from PDB complexes and protein interaction datasets

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Bioinformatics, 2005, 21 (3), pp. 314 - 324
Issue Date:
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Motivation: Discovery of binding sites is important in the study of protein-protein interactions. In this paper, we introduce stable and significant motif pairs to model protein-binding sites. The stability is the pattern's resistance to some transformation. The significance is the unexpected frequency of occurrence of the pattern in a sequence dataset comprising known interacting protein pairs. Discovery of stable motif pairs is an iterative process, undergoing a chain of changing but converging patterns. Determining the starting point for such a chain is an interesting problem. We use a protein complex dataset extracted from the Protein Data Bank to help in identifying those starting points, so that the computational complexity of the problem is much released. Results: We found 913 stable motif pairs, of which 765 are significant. We evaluated these motif pairs using comprehensive comparison results against random patterns. Wet-experimentally discovered motifs reported in the literature were also used to confirm the effectiveness of our method. © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.
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