Nation Building through Mediation: The Mongolia Experience

Thomson Reuters (Professional)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 2020, 30, (2)
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At the grass-roots level, dispute resolution, namely mediation, can be used as an agent for social change. The project in Mongolia is an example where the mediation process is designed to strengthen Mongolian families and build a nation with more tolerance by understanding the psychology behind conflict, thereby enabling individual needs to be better addressed within the framework of the law. By addressing the source of problems that lead to social ills, such as domestic violence, the individual needs of the parties can be respectively better managed in a preventive capacity. Although we appreciate that mediation is not a cure-all for all social ills, it goes a long way to assisting most parties to make considered decisions that they can live with and to be better informed about their legal rights and entitlements, thereby improving not just their own lives but also that of the society in which they live.
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