Advances of Photobioreactors in Wastewater Treatment: Engineering Aspects, Applications and Future Perspectives

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Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, 2019, pp. 297-329
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Chapter 14 Advances of photobioreactors in wastewater treatment.pdfAccepted version1.16 MB
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The photobioreactor is an efficient artificial system in terms of biomass cultivation and removing pollutants. Compared to other conventional technologies, its design and operational processes are superior. Therefore, the photobioreactor specifically targets and tailors for the increasing demand for biomass and stringent pollutants removal standards. Since the early 1950s, there has been a variety of photobioreactor types, and these have been addressing the different technical issues over time and others more recently. As well, diverse applications of the photobioreactor process are becoming more widespread, and this opens for a good opportunity for future sustainable developments. This book chapter discusses advances being made in photobioreactor technology, encompassing: (1) modelling; (2) designs and classifications; (3) applications and (4) future perspectives.
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