Promotion of direct interspecies electron transfer and potential impact of conductive materials in anaerobic digestion and its downstream processing - a critical review.

Elsevier BV
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Bioresource technology, 2021, 341, pp. 125847
Issue Date:
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Conductive materials_FINAL_Accepted version.docxAccepted version720.17 kB
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Addition of conductive materials (CMs) has been reported to facilitate direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) and improved anaerobic digestion (AD) performance. This review summarises the benefits and outlines remaining research challenges of the addition of CMs with a focus on the downstream processing of AD. CM addition may alter biogas quality, digestate dewaterability, biosolids volume, and centrate quality. Better biogas quality has been observed due to the adsorption of H2S to metallic CMs. The addition of CMs results in an increase in solid content of the digestate and thus an additional requirement for sludge dewatering and handling and the final biosolids volume for disposal. This review highlights the need for more research at pilot scale to validate the benefits of CM addition and to evaluate CM selection, doses, material costs, and the impact on downstream processes. The lack of research on the impact of CMs on the downstream process of AD is highlighted.
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