Analysis of event stratigraphy and hydrological reconstruction of low-frequency flooding: A case study on the Fenhe River, China

Elsevier BV
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603, pp. 127083-127083
Issue Date:
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Low-frequency but high-magnitude flooding is becoming more frequent and can be well-documented by event stratigraphy. Low-frequency flooding deposits (LFDs) were discovered during a field investigation in the Holocene loess-palaeosol profile at Xucun (FHXC), which is situated at the front of the second terrace (T2) along the middle Fenhe River. A multi-prong approach combining geochemical and sedimentological indexes (i.e. concentrations of Cr, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Rb, Mn, Pb, and Sr, magnetic susceptibility, and particle size distribution) was used to distinguish the sedimentary characteristics and environmental dynamics of LFDs. These proxies show that LFDs were well sorted clayey silt and carried in suspension during high-energy extreme flooding currents with: firstly, a high water level; and secondly, the river having a relatively stagnant environment. Based on the flooding stage indicators, magnitudes of the low-frequency flooding discharges at the site were reconstructed to be 13,480–13,590 m3/s. The timing of the identified low-frequency flooding cluster episode was dated to 4200–3900 a BP by the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating technique. It agreed well with stratigraphic correlations of other existing well-dated flooding profiles in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. This case study presents long-term low-frequency flooding records and their sedimentary dynamics based on high spatial–temporal resolution systematic event stratigraphy, which advances understanding low-frequency flooding generation mechanism and improves upon predictions for occurrences and magnitudes of future extreme flooding.
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