
Publication Type:
TBC, 2023
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210716_DA Documentaiton_St Lukes.pdf14.86 MB
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This new headquarters for health insurer St.LukesHealth will be a built manifestation of their vision for Tasmania to be the healthiest island in the world. The 5,500sq.m. project will be most sustainable and carbon positive office development in Tasmania, and the targeted 40% reduction in carbon will be one of the first Net Zero Carbon projects in Australia and contains a contemporary work environment that is a central component of the vision for a healthy community. At an urban scale, the introduction of a new high-rise in Launceston gives opportunities specific to a city where the landscape setting means that key views to buildings in the valley are often down, from ridge conditions adjacent. Accordingly not only does the form and character of the roof of the building- the “fifth elevation”- need to be considered and understood in that context, but the relationship of the building massing as seen from above needs to be considered in that broader urban and topographical context. The massing is capped by an outdoor room on the upper two levels complemented by a large garden – a landscape in miniature that is experienced in direct view of the landscape beyond. The proposal’s mass timber construction method targets the removal of 7,665 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere – the equivalent emissions of 2,141 cars driving 20,000km per year. In addition, a life cycle plan guides the timber configurastion and detailing such that if the building is no longer relevant and is demolished, the structure can be re-engineered and re-used.
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