Bayesian fusion algorithm for inferring trust in wireless sensor networks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Networks, 2010, 5 (7), pp. 815 - 822
Issue Date:
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This paper introduces a new Bayesian fusion algorithm to combine more than one trust component (data trust and communication trust) to infer the overall trust between nodes. This research work proposes that one trust component is not enough when deciding on whether or not to trust a specific node in a wireless sensor network. This paper discusses and analyses the results from the communication trust component (binary) and the data trust component (continuous) and proves that either component by itself, can mislead the network and eventually cause a total breakdown of the network. As a result of this, new algorithms are needed to combine more than one trust component to infer the overall trust. The proposed algorithm is simple and generic as it allows trust components to be added and deleted easily. Simulation results demonstrate that a node is highly trustworthy provided that both trust components simultaneously confirm its trustworthiness and conversely, a node is highly untrustworthy if its untrustworthiness is asserted by both components. © 2010 ACADEMY PUBLISHER.
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