A Memetic Algorithm For The N/2/Flowshop Alpha F Plus Beta C-Max Scheduling Problem

Springer-Verlag London Ltd
Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2002, 20 (6), pp. 464 - 473
Issue Date:
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Machine scheduling has been a popular area of research during the past four decades. Its object is to determine the sequence for processing jobs on a given set of machines. The need for scheduling arises from the limited resources available to the decision-maker. In this study, a special situation involving a computationally difficult n/2/Flowshop/F + Cmax flowshop scheduling problem is discussed. We develop a memetic algorithm (MA, a hybrid genetic algorithm) by combining a genetic algorithm and the greedy heuristic using the pairwise exchange method and the insert method, to solve the n/2/Flowshop/F + Cmax flowshop scheduling problem. Preliminary computational experiments demonstrate the efficiency and performance of the proposed memetic algorithm. Our results compare favourably with the best-known branch-andbound algorithm, the traditional genetic algorithm and the best-known heuristic algorithm.
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