Forward osmosis for nutrients recovery from wastewater
- Publisher:
- John Wiley & Sons
- Publication Type:
- Chapter
- Citation:
- Sustainable Resource Management: Technologies for Recovery and Reuse of Energy and Waste Materials, 2021, 1, 2, pp. 373-396
- Issue Date:
- 2021-04-08
Open Access
Copyright Clearance Process
- Recently Added
- In Progress
- Open Access
This item is open access.
Forward osmosis (FO) considered as a promising separation process for nutrient enrichment in wastewater, is attracting increasing interest in integration with chemical precipitation and other technologies for recovering nutrients in wastewater treatment. In the chapter, the processes of nutrients recovery via FO-based systems are introduced in terms of mechanisms and influencing factors. Additionally, the key challenges related to the recovery systems discussed and some approaches are proposed to resolve these challenges. Future roadmap for future research and development on the nutrients recovery using FO-based systems are identified. Compared to aerobic FO-based systems, anaerobic FO-based processes need more investigations of their integrations’ efficiency in the context of nutrient recovery from wastewater. Emphasis is given to carry out more economic assessment and pilot- and plant-scale evolutions of the recovery systems, which makes the nutrients recovery via FO-based technologies more sustainable in wastewater treatment.
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